Happy 2025!

Happy 2025!

We wish you a very happy 2025!
Let's hope it's as full of incredible events as 2024 with, among others, the Olympic Games that took place in Paris. 

Incredible also for Paris Boat Club which took part in the opening ceremony on July 26, 2024 on the Seine!

Here are all the river companies that took part alongside Paris 2024 and the City of Paris

Aabysse Location,
Action Public/Péniche de Paris/Navy and Company
Bateaux de Paris et d'Ile-de-France,
Bateaux Mouches,
Bateaux Parisiens,
Bleu Seine,
Boreas Cruise,
Cap Seine - Quai 55,
Class' Réception
Compagnie de la Seine/Vedettes de la Seine,
Compagnie des Bateaux à Roue,
Diamant Bleu
Fleuve Concept/Ports de Seine/Fleuve Transactions,
Le Bateau Français,
Le Bateau Paris 12,
Mistral en Seine
Nouvelles Rives,
One Experience,
Paris Boat Club,
Paris Canal,
Paris Seine,
River's King
Sarl FFM,
Seine Alliance,
Seine Avenue,
Seine Evénement,
Seine Privée
Sextant / Paris yacht 1,
Sous les Jupons de la Seine,
Un Bateau à Paris,
Vedettes de Paris Ile-de-France,
Vedettes du Pont-Neuf,
Yachts de Paris

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