The bridges of Paris - ParisBoatClub

The bridges of Paris

Pont des Arts from the quai de Seine

Paris has 37 bridges over the Seine.

"Five are accessible only to pedestrians, two are railroad bridges and two have a railroad floor and a floor for automobile traffic.
Four connect the Île Saint-Louis to one of the banks, eight connect the Île de la Cité and one connects the two islands together.

>> (source wikipedia,

Find all these bridges on the map at the end of the article.

  1. Upstream bridge (used by the ring road, located at the entrance of the river in the city)
  2. National Bridge
  3. Tolbiac Bridge
  4. Simone-de-Beauvoir footbridge (pedestrian), inaugurated on July 13, 2006
  5. Pont de Bercy (including a railway level for line 6 of the Paris metro and a level for automobile traffic);
  6. Charles de Gaulle Bridge (1996)
  7. Austerlitz viaduct (railway bridge used by line 5 of the metro), directly followed on the right bank by the viaduct of the quai de la Rapée, a spiral structure
  8. Austerlitz Bridge
  9. Sully Bridge (which crosses the eastern tip of the Île Saint-Louis)
  10. Pont de la Tournelle (between the left bank and the Île Saint-Louis)
  11. Pont Marie (between Île Saint-Louis and the right bank)
  12. Louis-Philippe Bridge (between the Île Saint-Louis, at its northwestern end, and the right bank)
  13. Saint-Louis Bridge (pedestrian - between Île de la Cité and Île Saint-Louis)
  14. Archbishop's Bridge (between the Île de la Cité, at its southeast end, and the left bank)
  15. Pont au Double (no access - between the Île de la Cité and the left bank, at the level of Square René Viviani)
  16. Pont d'Arcole (between the Île de la Cité and the right bank, at the level of the Hôtel de Ville)
  17. Petit-Pont-Cardinal-Lustiger (between the Île de la Cité and the left bank, extending the rue de la Cité - between the Préfecture de Police and the square of Notre Dame de Paris)
  18. Notre-Dame Bridge (between the Île de la Cité, at the Place Louis Lépine, and the right bank)
  19. Saint-Michel Bridge (between the Île de la Cité and the left bank)
  20. Pont au Change (between the Île de la Cité, at the Conciergerie, and the right bank, at the Fontaine du Châtelet)
  21. Pont Neuf (which crosses the western tip of the Île de la Cité - the oldest bridge in Paris, built between 1578 and 1607)
  22. Pont des Arts (pedestrian - between the Louvre and the Institut de France)
  23. Carrousel Bridge
  24. Royal Bridge
  25. Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor (1999) (pedestrian - former Passerelle de Solférino, renamed in 2006)
  26. Concorde Bridge
  27. Alexander III Bridge (1900 World's Fair)
  28. Invalides Bridge
  29. Alma Bridge
  30. Debilly footbridge (pedestrian)
  31. Pont d'Iéna (connecting the Trocadero and the Eiffel Tower)
  32. Bir-Hakeim Bridge (crossing the Ile aux Cygnes and including a railway level for the metro line 6 and a level for automobile traffic)
  33. Rouelle Bridge (railway viaduct of the RER line C crossing the Ile aux Cygnes)
  34. Grenelle Bridge (crossing the Ile aux Cygnes)
  35. Mirabeau Bridge
  36. Pont du Garigliano (former Viaduc d'Auteuil or Viaduc du Point-du-Jour)
  37. Downstream bridge (used by the ring road, at the river exit of the city)

See on the map HERE :

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